CQG Letters – open for submission

Clifford Will

Clifford Will is the Editor-in-Chief of Classical and Quantum Gravity

I am very pleased to announce the launch of CQG’s new Letters section.

In a recent survey of CQG’s authors and readers, we identified a strong desire among gravitational physicists for CQG to launch this section.

The Letter article type is now available and I invite you to submit your next Letter to the journal.

The benefits

CQG’s peer review will ensure the best possible consideration for your Letter – certifying, not just Continue reading

4 questions about CQG Letters

Adam Day

Adam Day is the Publisher of Classical and Quantum Gravity and CQG+

At the 2015 CQG Editorial Board meeting in London, it was agreed that a subset of the gravitational physics community should be surveyed to find out if there was interest in launching a Letters section for CQG.

In this survey, a number of gravitational physicists were asked to answer a set of questions about Letters. Just to make things interesting, invitees were split into 2 groups: one group was asked to think as authors and the other as readers.

Here are the results. Continue reading